Jul 10, 2008


Summer!! I want to go beach! But I have a problem. It's diet! I must be on a diet! For women, it may be a big problem. Diet..... But it 's very difficult! I can't set a limit to the amount of sweets and snacks, especially for women, because we love sweets! If you suffer from diet, I recommend to go to this site. You can get a lot of information and advice about sweets.

I'm interested in yoga. But I don't understand well. What is "
Yoga"? Then, I found this site. If you don't know well, let's go to this site! You will understand that what yoga is and what origin of yoga is. Before you and I start yoga, it may be good for us to understand yoga.

After we understand origin of yoga, let's study yoga in detail! This site is "
Yoga Style". They introduce us that what DVD, CD, mats, and wear are good. And we can watch some animation of yoga! It's very nice, isn't it? In summer vacation, I want to try yoga with this site!